MacDonald Rudy Law firm Website Re-design (in Progress)

Initial Website Evaluation

The first step in approaching this project was to evaluate the current design. I met with the client to go over the website and gain insight into what the function of the site is as well as their target audience and needs. I learned that the platform was meant to draw business in and provide information about firm to a wide variety of people throughout the country.  From sitting down and going through the current site I learned that the client was not keen for the style nor the content organization. They wanted a modern look but something that communicated professionalism at the same time. They also 

Existing Design

From sitting down and going through the current site I learned that the client was not satisfied with the representation of their company.  Stylistically, I learned that they wanted a modern look but something that communicated professionalism in order to present themselves well to future clients. They were also not happy with the content organization as the navigation was quite confusing at times (for example quick links at the bottom had the same names as navbar links but had different content). I learned what parts of the site they wanted to maintain and otherwise what they wanted to change. This was incredibly valuable for moving forward.

Competitive Analysis

The client frequently referred to other law firm websites he enjoyed so it was only fitting that the next stage in the design research process incorporated competitive analysis. I asked the client what they liked/disliked about each of the websites that they talked about. I also presented them with a couple other websites that I found might align with their goals and asked them what they liked/disliked about each. After doing this I had a better scope of the project and could move forward with a clearer vision of potential iterations.

Logo Design

One of the key features missing from the lawfirm's website was a logo. I worked on the logo in parallel to make sureLow and high fidelity prototypes were used to flesh out broader concepts for the site. I used lower fidelity prototypes to try different layout iterations. Higher fidelity ones were presented to the client to get feedback from. Knowing that I was headed in the right direction and key in moving forward to the design. 

Where in the process am I now?
I have gotten feedback on the higher fidelity prototype and am working on prototyping the rest of the website pages


Where in the process am I now?
I have gotten feedback on the higher fidelity prototype and am working on prototyping the rest of the website pages

High Fidelity Prototypes

Where in the process am I now?
I have gotten feedback on the higher fidelity prototype and am working on prototyping the rest of the website pages