VisIt: Explore. Share. Interact
Project Overview
Today more and more people are sharing peices of their lives with the rest of the world online and art is no exception. Our team wanted to examine how to better enhance the online art sharing experience of the amateur and redefine how we interact with art. As head designer I was responsible for logo design, wireframes, and visual design.
Consumer Insights and Ideation
In order to address future customer needs we used contextual inquiry methods such as interviews and deep hanging out to gain insight as to what needs to be addressed. As a team we synthesized our data and translated our feedback into customer behaviors and motivations. 
Storyboards and Personas
Immersion into the types of users our app would target helped us narrow our project focus so we could cater our application to the appropriate audience. The storyboards and personas captured the context and pain points of each potential user.  
Wireframes/Rapid Prototyping
Sketching the user experience was very important in our ideation phase of the project. Quickly done drawings allowed us to communicate abstract concepts
and features to team members. Higher fidelity prototypes were used to flesh out ideas and assist in user testing. 
This was the most divergent part of our design process. Creating and testing
of higher quality prototypes are necessary in order to get feedback form users. 
User Testing
User testing allowed us to get feedback on each prototype iteration along the way. We quickly learned which design choices were failing and succeeding. In order to create the final iteration that embodied our design goals we synthesized strengths and weaknesses of each prototype.
Final Design
Introducing The final product included a interactive cube gallery as the center of attention. Some of the main features inspired by our user testing include a rotation that halts movement upon hover, pop-up windows for navigation, and the ability to upload any web media format in the tiles.